Affairs Of The Heart

1.  Few have felt the full power of the heart energies.

2.  When spiritual love is developed seekers can sense the wonderful higher love flowing through the heart center.

3.  If you start on the path and continue with a pure heart you will discover your errors and correct them.

4.  Zion is the pure in heart in a gathered condition.

5.  The pure in heart are those who honestly search the Spirit speaking within their own heart and follow that inner voice with the highest purity of which they are capable.

6.  The pure in heart are those with pure motive with no guile. They may make mistakes, but they are honest in communication, harmless in action and examples of love in their lives.

7. The pure in heart follow the highest they know to the best of their ability. Zion is a higher group consciousness created by a gathering of those who show such pure intent.

8. When most people talk about following your heart they are really talking about following the solar plexus or the lower feelings.

9. There is a large portion of humanity that have no idea as to what the true heart energies feel like and this is a fact that the Dark Ones use to full advantage.

10. When the Love-Wisdom energies of the heart are made available the feeling nature is then tempered with wisdom, or wise thought, that will often lead the seeker to go against the flow in the line of most resistance where the greatest becoming can be found.

11. There are a number of variations of love energy released through the heart center as it unfolds. Therefore, those who send love send it out in a variety of levels.

12. Do not be afraid, it is I, grab my hand. The soul responds, Love takes a stand.

13. The heart center has a golden glow, but etheric matter does seem to have a somewhat smoky gray look depending on the eye of the beholder.

14. The nourishment of hope within our hearts is the beginning of the manifestation of ‘Christ in us.’

15. The mission of the solar plexus is to point us toward the heart center in a positive way. One way it does this is to present an ideal before our consciousness.

16. When one, who has the energies of the heart in an unfolded condition, can see that love is multi-layered and when he hears another speak of love he seeks to discern the level of love that is resting in his consciousness so communication can be complete.

17. It is much more an act of love to seek understanding than it is to seek the correction of another.

18. Just talking about love, defining love, proclaiming love, mystifying love, magnifying love, writing of love, romancing love, idealizing love, etc., does not hold a candle to one real act of love.

19. In the end, love is One, but in its discovery it is many.

20. The souls divine, not seen by the blind, Are found by love, leaving no one behind.

21. Pain and pleasure must exist for there to be a full development of the Love aspect in our consciousness.

22. Saying you love others is not enough. Love must be demonstrated by you and felt by those you serve.

23. When one is filled with love and is receiving love he will never give up his journey on the path.

24. From our point of view the God of this earth (the Planetary Logos) and the God of the Solar System (the Solar Logos) is Love or as the Bible says, God is Love.

25. All blessings are pure to the pure of heart, Who are willing to share in whole or in part.

26. Wherever there are two or more creations of God there will exist a magnetic force (or essential Love) which draws them together toward unity. Hence the attraction of the Sun to the Earth is an aspect of Love as is the Earth toward the Moon.

27. Love exists in all spheres and in all kingdoms, but manifests differently in the human because as a self-conscious unit the human experiences an interplay between love and consciousness which creates feelings of peace and joy.

28. Love manifesting through consciousness produces the dominating good in the universe and gives impulse to all evolution.

29. The beast does not work through the Heart Center for he cannot comprehend spiritual love.

30. Love is a magnetic force that is nullified in a singularity but is manifest in duality. There must be more than one for an attractive force to attract anything.

31. The seeker cries for help, not seen by the blind, But is helped by love so real, so kind.

32. Our salvation through love is a collaborative venture, or dependant on the participation of others.

33. If a person sincerely seeks to see love manifest in others who are agitated, and then to take loving action of some type, you will rarely have someone turn on you – and if they do they will come back because they will remember your love when they have forgotten all else.

34. Plant a seed that will grow and light the way to full realization of love for unless this happens you are in danger of substituting the love you do understand with illusionary love you do not understand.

35. Give love and acceptance to all and you will have all the love and acceptance that you can handle.

36. When love is truly demonstrated, it does not have to be mentioned.

37. All of us know what love is when we feel it and when we feel it we do not need anyone to explain to us what it is.

38. I witness to you that this principle of loving all people as our neighbors has worked in my life and the rewards I have received are more than I have capacity to receive.

39. Love is the opposite of radiation which sends forth.

40. Love is magnetism which pulls together. When you love someone you are magnetically drawn to them.

41. You can dispel hate with love, but you cannot eliminate love through hate.

42. Only by descending into the darkest depths can the fullness of love become known.

43. An act of love is registered as a similar feeling among all those who are willing to feel it.

44. Pure love energy is much more universally recognized in a receiving state than it is wielded in a sending state.

45. True love always involves a desire to serve and to help or enhance, not just a desire to hold on because of a desire to possess.

46. The second stanza of the Song [of the 144,000] protects from attacks on the Spirit by filling us with the ‘fires of Love.’

47. When the person centered in the solar plexus speaks of love he sees it in only one dimension. Love is just love.

48. One act of helping another in true need creates more love than all the metaphysical proclaiming in the world.

49. An attachment of one person toward another is often called love, and this is the only version of love that many people understand. But it is not love; it is attachment, a desire to hold on to a thing or person.

50. When one divorces frivolously, on a whim, or because of betrayal with another person, definite harm can come. It is generally recognized that a committed couple, especially with children should do everything in their power to rekindle their love and live together in peace.

51. We must ever remember that the heart center is composed of two cooperating energies: Love and Wisdom.

52. The heart center is composed of twelve energy petals that slowly unfold as we evolve toward Spirit. Six are different types of love energy and six are differing types of wisdom energies.

53. For a full registration of love there must be a giving and receiving from both ends.

54. In some ways, prayer from the heart is the highest meditation, because in kneeling before God, we formally recognize that there is a higher power present that is greater than our lower self.

55. True heart energy is a spiritual love and wisdom.

56. That which moves us forward in the manifestation of love, goodwill, peace on earth, friendship, unity, acceptance, inclusiveness and other aspects of love is within God’s will. That which moves us away from love runs contrary to His will.

57. The servant who has a true understanding of love will extend his love beyond those who are easy to love (those who love him). Instead he will love those also who do not love him.

58. Many there are who are seeking love who believe that they have found spiritual love when in reality all they did was find someone who loves them because they are adored in return.

60. Higher animals respond to love and may have an elementary sense of it, but do not seek to understand it. This is one reason they are so endearing to us.

61. People desire the Power to love, the Power to attract love and the Power to be loved. Even Love would only exist in theory if there was no Power to manifest its presence.

62. Love without experience is love without wisdom for wisdom comes by doing — by going through trying experiences.

63. Proclaiming love and demonstrating love are two different things.

64. If love cannot be defined then talking about any illusion connected with it is an exercise in futility.

65. The committed love relationship is the highest form of schooling on the earth in that it teaches communication and givingness.

66. The feeling of love is not related to another person by merely speaking and theorizing about it. Nor is love entirely emotional. You have heard of ‘loving thoughts’ have you not? How about loving actions? Some of the people who talk most about love communicate it the least.

67. Using the heart alone to find truth is like one hand clapping. It doesn’t happen.

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